Our next Emergency First Aid at Work course will run from 9am – 5pm on Friday 8 June 2012 in Manchester. The cost is just £60 for practical, relevant first aid training that covers common and serious medical emergencies. And what’s more, as it’s HSE approved, you’ll know you’re learning useful stuff.

Emergency First Aid at Work course

Emergency First Aid at Work course

The venue is the Inspire Centre (To be confirmed). For those interested in Aquatic First Aid, the course will also cover the Aquatic First Aid syllabus. These extra topics relating to water-related emergencies will be essential for those requiring an “aquatic first aid” certificate, and interesting for everyone else.

When you’re ready to book, just visit https://live.tourcms.com/reserve/r1.php?t=5&a=4869&w=4780&ty=t&k=158c509b4ade

As always, if you have any other questions or would like any more information, just get in touch. You can reach Will on 07941 645 520.