Remember the funniest female power crew ever to hit the Arctic? That's right! Our BAFFIN BABES! We accompany the 4-member crew on the longest ski tour of their lives: 1200 kilometers through the pack ice on Baffin Island. Look forward to picture-perfect mountain bike action in WHERE THE TRAIL ENDS, the first and only horseback riding adventure of E.O.F.T., UNBRANDED and breathtaking canyon acrobatics in THE BEGINNING. @eoftpage #myeoft #eoftbasecamp 

Enter Wilderness Development's draw to watch for free, by booking a Wilderness Development activity before the end of January (or buying a gift voucher), for an activity to take place before the end of 2021.

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Remember the funniest female power crew ever to hit the Arctic? That’s right! Our BAFFIN BABES! We accompany the 4-member crew on the longest ski tour of their lives: 1200 kilometers through the pack ice on Baffin Island. Look forward to picture-perfect mountain bike action in WHERE THE TRAIL ENDS, the first and only horseback riding adventure of E.O.F.T., UNBRANDED and breathtaking canyon acrobatics in THE BEGINNING. @eoftpage #myeoft #eoftbasecamp

Enter Wilderness Development’s draw to watch for free, by booking a Wilderness Development activity before the end of January (or buying a gift voucher), for an activity to take place before the end of 2021.

#eoftbasecamp #myeoft #wildernessdevelopment #giftvouchers #vouchers #gifts #experiencegifts #experiencegifting #trysomethingnew #trysomethingdifferent #outdooractivities #outdoorpursuits #adventures #adventuretime #climbing #canoeing #kayaking #scrambling #experience #thegreatoutdoors #outdoortherapy #lifeofadventure #liveoutdoors

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