Repost from @peakdistrictchallenge - The Peak District Challenge will go ahead on 18-19 September as planned, with a few tweaks to account for C-19. We look forward to having you along! Registrations are open at (link in bio!) ⛰☀️⛰
#wildernessdevelopment #peakdistrictchallenge #uklandscape #ukhikes #hikebritain #peakdistrictchallenge2020 #originalpeakdistrictchallenge #since2013 #ultrarunning #ultratrailrunning #trailrunning #ultrarunners #challengeevent #challengeyourself #challengetrek #charityevent #peakdistrict #peakdistrictnationalpark #yourhikes #roamtheuk #hikingadventures #ukhikingofficial #hikinguk #mountainsfellsandhikes #mapmyhike #igersderbyshire #outdoorhikingculture #nationalparksuk

Repost from @peakdistrictchallenge – The Peak District Challenge will go ahead on 18-19 September as planned, with a few tweaks to account for C-19. We look forward to having you along! Registrations are open at (link in bio!) ⛰☀️⛰

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